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Market Cycle Guidebook - August 2022

Callum Thomas

We just published the latest "Market Cycle Guidebook", which is one of the main reports in our institutional investment research service.

​​The monthly Market Cycle Guidebook is designed to be a practical & tactical asset allocation guidebook for global multi-asset investors.

It focuses on illuminating the key drivers of risk and return across a global multi-asset universe, with the intention of generating actionable conclusions and meaningful insights for medium-term active asset allocation decisions.


Key features of the Market Cycle Guidebook: -Front page snapshot summary on the global economic cycle, monetary policy, and valuations -Market performance snapshot & commentary /highlights -Summary views across asset classes (short and medium term); basically an "AA cheat sheet"

-TAA/DAA guide visually mapping those views -Monthly updated Capital Market Assumptions -And of course, over 70 charts illuminating the key medium-term drivers of risk and return across a global multi-asset universe

-Australia/New Zealand appendix (since we're down this part of the world!)

>> Some of the key takeaways from the latest edition:

-The global growth outlook has deteriorated further

--multiple leading indicators point to recession

--data pulse showing clear signs of slowdown

-Yet inflation remains high (for now)

--central banks continue to hike with urgency

--inflation expectations elevated

-Anticipate central banks focus to remain on inflation vs growth

--this remains an unfriendly macro backdrop

--looking for inflation to peak, but not there yet

---stagflation for now, but deflation soon

-Remain underweight growth assets, overweight defensive assets

--especially like government bonds

---but also cash (guaranteed nominal return on/of capital)

-Remain underweight commodities, equities, property, credit

--few bright spots, but a lot of progress on valuation re-rating

--sentiment has reset lower in many respects, but not positioning

--expect global recession to dent earnings, demand, sentiment

The report is designed for active asset allocators, and professional investors who require top-down input in their investment process. If you are interested in learning more about this report and our services Learn About Subscribing today.

Alternatively, we provide a summary version of the report in our new Entry-Level Service.

If you have any other questions or requests, just get in contact.

Best regards,

Callum Thomas

Head of Research and Founder

About the Service:

Our institutional service caters to multi-asset portfolio managers and investment professionals. The service comprises a set of reports (2 weekly, 1 monthly, 1 quarterly) and personalized service to help make the portfolio managers' job easier. With the service we deliver a flow of investment ideas, risk management input, and meaningful macro insights.

Our Head of Research and founder spent his career on the buy-side, and our reports reflect that perspective with a clear "so what?" focus rather than research for research sake. The reports are punchy and chart/fact focused, and are easy to read both in terms of speed and understanding: so clients often end up saving time and getting better insights. So if you're looking for a dedicated and specialist service to help you deliver excellent returns for your clients, give us a try.

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