The "Top 5 Charts Of The Week" report is our entry-level service. It's a great way to sample what we're doing with the institutional research offering while gaining a solid flow of ideas and insights.
The following charts and topics were featured in the latest report:
1. China GDP -- Structural vs Cyclical Trends: We take a look at the trends and outlook for Chinese GDP growth. 2. Global Trade Indicators -- Something Stirring: Our high frequency global trade indicators are showing some stabilization, are people too bearish? 3. FX Market Volatility Approaching Record Lows: FX market implied volatility has crunched down, but this is actually often a good predictor of higher future volatility... 4. Global Bond Breadth -- Treasuries Turning Point? This unique bond market indicator has reached an extreme level, indicating a turning point is nigh. 5. US Asset Class Valuations -- Stocks & Bonds: This chart illuminates the valuation picture for US stocks and bonds.
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