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VIDEO: US Dollar - Bull Market Correction?

Topdown Charts

In this video we look at The US Dollar Index and work through the theory that this could be just a bull market correction. The video walks through a couple of slides of a recent edition of the Weekly Macro Themes report. We look at three sets of charts: 1. Sentiment and Technicals: which show the market moving from overbought to oversold and a crowded long to net shorts; 2. Valuations and Yield support (fundamentals): which show it moving to slightly undervalued and still with significant yield support; and 3. Economics and Monetary Policy: we show the US economy is basically running at full employment and this presents real potential upside risk in the form of the Fed, with the implication being higher potential wage growth, inflation and more action on the rate hike and QT front. Check out the video to see what we'll be looking for on the risk management front.

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