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ChartBrief #52 Global trade indicators

Callum Thomas

At Topdown Charts we're constantly searching for new indicators and new ways of seeing how key global economic trends are evolving. Today we look at a couple of charts on global trade. One of our calls last year was that we would see a recovery in global trade growth after a very slow patch which saw global trade volume growth contract on an annual basis. There are already signs of this happening and it is this sort of trend that will reinforce the global economic rebound that we looked at yesterday. The charts below offer a high frequency (December data for container volume, latest weekly data for shipping cost indexes) view and show a notable acceleration - similar to that seen in China's rail freight recovery.

The RWI/ISL Global Container Throughput Index has undergone a clear acceleration through December.

global container throughput index chart

The weekly chart of global freight cost indexes confirm the turnaround.

baltic dry index and china containerized fright index graph

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