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Weekly Macro Themes - 2 December 2016

Callum Thomas

Here's an overview of the topics and charts covered in the latest Weekly Macro Themes.

1. Global Trackers - the Leader and the Follower: A look at the standout charts from the big-picture global macroeconomic trackers which cover emerging markets and developed economies, global trade outlook, and the cycle in China. Find out who's the leader and who's the follower... and why it matters.

2. China A Shares - The Return of the Bull Market: With the Shanghai Composite up more than 20% off the lows, we look at the key similarities and differences between the start of the 2015 stock bubble and now and review margin debt, earnings, valuations, and some other key factors to figure out what might come next.

3. Indian Equities - Demonetisation Disruption: Modi's spectacular big bang reform of demonetisation in India brings many interesting promises with it longer term, while in the short term has meaningful implications for the outlook for India's stock market - the conclusion will surprise you.

4. Grains - Another Volatility Compression: When implied volatility compresses for grain commodities, interesting things can happen next. Aside from implied volatility we look at speculative futures positioning, technical chart patterns, and the long term real price to see how best to run strategy around any trading opportunities.

5. Contrarian Corner - The Euro: These 4 charts will change the way you think about the EURUSD exchange rate.

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