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Callum Thomas
Feb 21, 20195 min read
Why use 2 axes in a chart anyway?
Since the dawn of excel analysts have been using 2 axes in a chart, some to mislead, some to deceive, some to illuminate clear and...
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Topdown Charts
Sep 27, 20184 min read
10 Reasons Clients Choose Topdown Charts
In this article I share some of the common reasons why clients choose Topdown Charts as their research partner. As pressure increases on...
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Callum Thomas
May 28, 20182 min read
How do you create a Z-Score?
Given I use Z-Scores heavily in my analysis I thought I would write a quick tutorial on how to create a Z-Score (and answer the question...
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Callum Thomas
May 12, 20184 min read
8 Free Macro and Market Data Sources
I thought I would share some of my favorite free data source on the internet, as I often get questions on where to find such and such or...
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Callum Thomas
May 23, 20176 min read
10 Things to Think About When Buying Independent Investment Research
The world of third party investment research seems to grow bigger every year, with more providers, more alternatives, and more products...
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Callum Thomas
Mar 18, 20175 min read
The 3 Biggest Mistakes for Active Investors
As I was taking my morning walk along the shores of Lake Wakatipu a series of ideas washed around in my head... It culminated in a...
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